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The client makes a reservation of 25% of the value of the digital gold he wants to buy. The remaining 75%, he has 6 months to pay it, in addition, if in the course of these months he complies with a referral marketing system, he GETS A DISCOUNT.


Our clients can contribute, IN THESE 6 MONTHS, a total of 6 total RESERVATIONS of the same amount that the client has paid and the digital gold will be yours and therefore, you will not have to pay the remaining 75%.


In the case that, after the 6 months have elapsed, you cannot opt for the 75% discount WITH THE REFERRALS SYSTEM, BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE THE REFERRALS, for not having made the 6 complete reservations, the client will pay the difference, the remaining 75% of the outstanding money and the digital gold will be yours, just as it was stipulated from the beginning. THERE IS A FINAL PRODUCT WHICH IS THE DIGITAL GOLD, RESERVED AND DELIVERED ON THE PLATFORMS ON WHICH IT CAN BE ACQUIRED, NEVER WITH 49DIGIGIGOLD, AS WE ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO SELL ASSETS, WE ARE INTERMEDIARIES AND THEREFORE CHARGE 25%.


49DIGIGIGOLD cannot be held responsible for possible unlawful acts by third parties in the dissemination of our referral system, misrepresenting the content and completion of the same, presenting it in a different, fraudulent manner to the message reflected here.
49DIGIGIGOLD Legal Dept.




For a total of 6 bookings from your friends or a group of friends, who join in the purchase of KauGold in instalments (Gold reserve), you will receive it on the platforms that sell it. As an intermediary, our fee is 25%.

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